Image result for therapy for genetic diseases
Gene Therapy: How it works
ESL 301

Beyond the Reading - Unit 3

In Reading 3, you learned about research in and therapy for genetic diseases. You also learned that genetic testing introduces complex ethical questions.

Applying Information

You use critical thinking skills 
when you apply information 
you have just learned to new situations.

Critical Thinking

Imagine a new test has become available for a genetic disease that causes muscles to weaken. People with the disease lose many physical abilities. A positive result on the test predicts that a person is likely, but not certain to develop the disease. There is also evidence that people with the disease usually pass it on to their children. The disease is not fatal but there is no cure for it. 

Work in a small group and discuss why or why not it would be a good idea for the following people to be tested to see if they carry the gene.

1. A 25-year-old unmarried man: No one in his family has ever had the disease.
2. A 40-year-old mother of two: Her uncle has the disease.
3. A 15-year-old girl: her mother has the disease.
4. A 50-year-old unmarried woman with no children: No one in her family has ever had the disease. 
5. A 30-year-old married man: His father and one brother have the disease.

Online reading

Read the article, "Rare birth defect is a gift for pitcher who throws hard-to-hit curveball." YOu can choose what level you want to read. Go to the top of the article and choose Max, 950L, 830L, 670L, or 580L.


What is the disease?
What are the symptoms?
IS there any therapy available for this disease? Surgery? Medication? Gene therapy?
What happened to the patient?

Please write your answers to the questions and send an email message to Ms. Petree by 11:59 pm on Thursday, September 28th

Image retrieved from on September 20, 2017


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